Sunday, October 07, 2007

Back again

El Salamo 3likom....Ramadan kareeeem 3liko kolko .... ba2ali keteeeeeeeeeer awi maktabtesh fi el blog beta3i so i decided today to write in it i do not have a specific subject to talk about i am just sad u can say meday2aa showyteen talataa and i feel that this blog maybe will be my only place where i can talk and am sure he won't refuse allowing me to do so as i have no other place except it. i was just wondering sometimes life hurt ppl soooo much that makes them really suffer but in the other hand she makes them hapPy and gave them many chances to fix their mistakes ýa3ni sa3aaat el ensan beykon bye7eb 7agaaa awi mesh lazem tekon 7agaa madayaa maybe tekon 7agaa ma3nawayaa aw persons even friends bas sa3at el ensam momken yegra7 el sha7's dah bas sure he didnot mean to do that aw momken te2ol enno ye2sar fi 7a2o we maknesh ma3aaaaaaah when he needed him bas dah mesh ma3anaaah that u do not care about them ........u did not mean to do so bas they really hurt u as a simple reaction for not being there wz them ............ u will say it is the least thing maybe u r right but do u think it will be fair to end like that and never try again anyway maybe am talking kalam mesh leeeeeeh 3elakaa beba3do bas i am just little bit confused.....and i hope everyone will be always there wz the ones who care about and support them forever after last sorry for everyone who needed me and i was not there 4 him/her .....yalla salaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam


Zo0oZ said...

و عليكم السلام ورحمة الله و بركاته

أخييييييييييرا يا منى رجعتي كتبتي

معك حق في أغلب كلامك اللي قلتيه .. بس ما تضايقيش نفسك

خليتي تفكيري راح من حاجه لحاجه مع كل سطر كنتي بتكتبيه لحد لما نسيت في الاخر انا ممكن أعلق على مين فيهم

كل سنه وانت طيبه

Mona E. Fahmy said...

ma3lesh ya zoooz :D ta3btek ma3ayaaa :D we enty taybaa ya gamelaa